Clumsy 'ole me

My experience teaching this summer has been such a learning experience. My students are so diverse and full of perspectives on topics that I never thought of. My Valencia class that meets face-to-face twice a week (for 3 hours and 20 minutes each time) is small with 11 students of all ages and backgrounds. One of my students has a passion for cooking. She has decided to share that with us. She has catered our classes this week . Last night, she brought fried chicken, corn, home-made carrot cake, salad, and gravy. Well, I didn't know it was gravy, until I attempted to open the cooler it was in. The suction on this contraption was so tight. My students were working on group stations and I was up there trying to get a plate. It turns out that I flung gravy all over the classroom! How embarrassing right? I had them rollin' on the floor laughing. I was reminded once again of how clumsy I really CAN be and they were entertained. I guess we all needed a moment to learn.
