Our Big-Boy and His Cut Hair

So, our sweet little boy got a hair cut a few days ago. (I have been waiting to post pictures because we have been busy showing off his new hair cut. On Calvin's birthday, we went to Sea World. I asked Calvin if he wanted to go to Sea World and he nodded while saying something that sounded close to, "yes.") 

It was fun discovering that a NO. 2 on Jason is completely different than a NO. 2 on Oliver. The whole experience was crazy. 

I gave Oliver a Popsicle, at his request. I sat him on the counter and he did not want to cooperate. The windows were open in the kitchen and hair was blowing everywhere. I ended up holding his head against my chest while he ate a Popsicle and I buzzed his head. Of course you can throw in his sudden head movements, cries and Calvin at my feet picking up hair to taste. What a laugh. I have learned a few things from that experience. Here is the end result!


oh my word sounds like every haircut norman gets!! haha hopefully it will get easier each time. but he looks so so so cute! like such a big boy!