What have we been up to? Taking pictures! Well, I am trying to catch up my photo editing. My favorite, easy, Google sponsored site
PICNIK is closing! I only have a few weeks left to edit my pictures with ease. I do this for my blog and photo books for the our family.

The boys are growing so quick! Oliver is well on his way to being completely potty trained. He is skipping, running and jumping everywhere! Did I mention he is 2 1/2 and is riding his own bike (with training wheels)!! My love thought he was ready so, Oliver was surprised Christmas Day with his very first bike. He was so excited because it was a Lightning McQueen bike (Cars movie). He picked it up real quick with his Daddy by his side. Oliver has always loved the outdoors. Maybe it was Curious George that inspired him to be ever so interested in nature, animals, insects and so on... or maybe it was us =). Even as a crying newborn, he would calm immediately when we walked outside. He always finds new ways to laugh and share his sweet heart!

Calvin is speaking more and more each day. He loves to play and wrestle with his older brother. He is relaxed about many things, but will let you know if things don't go his way. He is generally a happy boy who likes to show it. Calvin loves to read. He will quickly get a book and back up into your lap if you are anywhere near the floor. He loves to run as well. It's funny to see him run because he is still so young! I love taking pictures of him while he eats. Our high-chair-photo-shoots are always the best. He is happy and contained so I can get some good ones (minus the food and drool).

We have been enjoying our frequent visits from Aunt Jess! She always brings a sweet little somethin' for the boys, along with her upbeat energy and willingness to help. We love you Aunt Jess! Here are some pictures from January!