What's on my heart? The word heavy weighs in repeatedly. Heavy like three sacks of potatoes. Heavy with emotion. Heavy heart. Heavy eyes. Somewhat heavy body =).
I love my children. When I lose sleep, I have trouble showing that love. I have trouble being the person I wanted to always be.
A mother.
A mother like my mother.
A mother with endless patience, endless love, endless fun.
Sometimes I have to be the fun-ending type of mother. Where would my boys be if I wasn't? I think Oliver would choose to be Curious George if he could. Calvin would be that fiery red head that surprises at any given moment. I would be shunned from society for producing unruly kids.

My heart is heavy with love, for my love. Like how patient he is with my fits, my weakness, my troubles. I really am in love with him. I feel so humbled when I am "out" in the [sometimes virtual] world. I need to be more grateful for him in my actions. Surely, my redundant compliments on this little piece of blogosphere is not enough.
So tomorrow I will start [well technically today since I am writing this in the wee hours of the night]. Tomorrow will be the perfect beginning to the me I always wanted to be.
My heart is not so heavy. I think I will go thank the Lord and turn in.
Happy blogging readers!
Pictures from the County Fair February 18th, 2012.

I love my children. When I lose sleep, I have trouble showing that love. I have trouble being the person I wanted to always be.
A mother.
A mother like my mother.
A mother with endless patience, endless love, endless fun.
Sometimes I have to be the fun-ending type of mother. Where would my boys be if I wasn't? I think Oliver would choose to be Curious George if he could. Calvin would be that fiery red head that surprises at any given moment. I would be shunned from society for producing unruly kids.

So tomorrow I will start [well technically today since I am writing this in the wee hours of the night]. Tomorrow will be the perfect beginning to the me I always wanted to be.
My heart is not so heavy. I think I will go thank the Lord and turn in.
Happy blogging readers!
Pictures from the County Fair February 18th, 2012.
