Dear house,
I love you. I love your contents. I love what you offer me. Have you felt the love lately? With me keeping you all tidy?Dear sweet lovebugs,
I had a fantastic week with you! I can't wait for next week.
Dear Oliver,
You will be three in two days. You are a budding scientist. I love it! I love you. I hope you always explore nature.
Dear my love,
I hope you like what I got you for Father's Day! I think it's a guarantee.
Dear Mother,
You are perfect. You have really been there for me. You never fail to sweeten things up with a cute little something. Thank you for being you.
Dear anyone-who-drives-over-25mph-down-my-road,
STOP!! I know that it the one cross street with no STOP sign, but you truly are annoying.
Dear hot summer days,
Welcome. Please bring some sweet afternoon showers.
Dear yard,
You are too big and already demanding that I cut the grass at least twice a week! Please just hold off a little bit.
Comment below so I can check out your letters! Or link up with Ashley!!

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Have a happy weekend!<333
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