Dear fingers,
Stop aligning yourselves incorrectly on the keyboard when I am trying to type fast. It is annoying when everything comes out like this: osihfsk asodfhsdfh asdfhasdhfk.
Dear life,
I am FRUSTRATED! Why all the road blocks? I am trying. Doesn't that count? Stop being so annoying.
Dear blog readers,
You are awesome if you are reading this. I am sorry I am being negative today, but it was absolutely horrible (composing this Thursday evening).
Dear husband,
Please stop waiting for my keen sense of smell before sharing that I may not want to inhale at that moment. And, I love you.
Dear children,
Please be patient with your crazy mommy.
Dear Lucy (the dog),
You really hurt me when you dug your toenails into my heal. I have a bruise and cut. You will never be aware of this, so I thought I would complain.
Dear next week,
Please be better to me. Please. I am begging you.
Dear jobs,
I love you. Both of you. I love that I can separate you. I love that each of you challenge me. I love you.
Dear Best Buy,
You may be the Best (as in the cheapest) Buy, but you certainly are not the best in anything else. Get with it. Hire some individuals that WANT to work for you and do the BEST at their job. Oh, and maybe someone who is competent to complete a task, like assigning the correct name and address on a mobile account. Give your employees better incentives, I don't know! You need to fix it. I am tired of you. I can't wait until our contract is up! The End.
Comment below so I can check out your letters! Or link up with Ashley!!
Stop aligning yourselves incorrectly on the keyboard when I am trying to type fast. It is annoying when everything comes out like this: osihfsk asodfhsdfh asdfhasdhfk.
Dear life,
I am FRUSTRATED! Why all the road blocks? I am trying. Doesn't that count? Stop being so annoying.
Dear blog readers,
You are awesome if you are reading this. I am sorry I am being negative today, but it was absolutely horrible (composing this Thursday evening).
Dear husband,
Please stop waiting for my keen sense of smell before sharing that I may not want to inhale at that moment. And, I love you.
Dear children,
Please be patient with your crazy mommy.
Dear Lucy (the dog),
You really hurt me when you dug your toenails into my heal. I have a bruise and cut. You will never be aware of this, so I thought I would complain.
Dear next week,
Please be better to me. Please. I am begging you.
Dear jobs,
I love you. Both of you. I love that I can separate you. I love that each of you challenge me. I love you.
You may be the Best (as in the cheapest) Buy, but you certainly are not the best in anything else. Get with it. Hire some individuals that WANT to work for you and do the BEST at their job. Oh, and maybe someone who is competent to complete a task, like assigning the correct name and address on a mobile account. Give your employees better incentives, I don't know! You need to fix it. I am tired of you. I can't wait until our contract is up! The End.
Comment below so I can check out your letters! Or link up with Ashley!!

Hope your week gets better for you. I hate poopy weeks. But your boy is precious!! Love that last picture!
Enjoy your weekend. :)
Emily at Amazing Grapes
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
great pictures!
Hope this weekend & next week are better for you! Chin up & smile!! = )
- lauren