Sometimes & Always #3

Here is my link up to MackeyMadness! Enjoy!

Sometimes: I plan to accomplish so much on my to do.
Always: I never complete EVERYTHING on the never-ending list.

Sometimes: I go for weeks keeping the dishes out of the sink and clean.
Always: The pattern ends and I am left wondering how I ever completed the task to begin with.

Sometimes: I spend all day reading to the boys, the same books over and over.
Always: I enjoy almost every minute of it!

Sometimes: I schedule my posts so that I can avoid blogging for a day.
Always: I don't regret it.

Sometimes: I see old students or co-workers in public when I look like I just rolled out of bed.
Always: I smile, give them a short greeting and carry on hoping to avoid the thought that I have the "mom" look.

Sometimes: I have way too much fun creating these posts!
Always: I spend way too much time having fun.


Alyssa said…
I love scheduling posts (when I can think of something to write about)! It makes things so much easier!  
Lambz Ann said…
 Seriously. Then I can focus on looking at other blogs instead of prepping mine! Thanks for stopping by again today!
kellymimi said…
 I'm always scheduling posts, especailly my Wednesday link up party (I like to have it all prepared) .. I am so jealous by the way, Seaworld what a cool place!!
Lauren Mobley said…
Totally agree with you when it comes to scheduling posts!!
Jess said…
I try to schedule when I can, but I usually forget! And my to-do list is ALWAYS never-ending!
Amber L said…
I totally understand how you feel. I never complete my entire to-do list. Hopefully one day I will get close!
Lambz Ann said…
 You are right though. You need to be prepared! Thanks! We love Seaworld. If you are ever on this side of the world. We will love to meet up! It is so much better than Disney! Less crowds, less cost, more educational exhibits. Thanks for stopping by again!
Lambz Ann said…
Lauren! I know! It is a must have! 
Lambz Ann said…
 Hahah! Some days I just make my list do-able, but then feel like I need a new list. I have always been like this!
Jannabogert said…
I HATE dishes haha. I have been trying so hard not to create many while my hubby is gone!
Wendy @ ECTaS said…
Gorgeous children... they are so engrossed in the large water tank... you have a wonderful photo collection... every scrapbooker's dream!