Sometimes: I try to comment on blogs and it has Captcha.
Always: I get super annoyed and question if I REALLY want to leave that comment.
Sometimes: I get on a really bad schedule consisting of getting to bed around 2AM.
Always: I totally regret it and can't stay away from it! AHHH.
Sometimes: The missionaries come over.
Always: They make my entire day better by changing my perspective.
Sometimes: I am really great at getting organized and my house put "back together."
Always: It usually takes a string of unannounced visitors to get me in the mood to accomplish just that.
Sometimes: Wasps and other weird wasp-look-alike creatures make their way into my car.
Always: I completely freak out and possibly endanger my life in the process to avoid a dreaded sting!! (Our poor baby was stung 3x Friday =(. He is such a tough little guy)
Always: I get super annoyed and question if I REALLY want to leave that comment.
Sometimes: I get on a really bad schedule consisting of getting to bed around 2AM.
Always: I totally regret it and can't stay away from it! AHHH.
Sometimes: The missionaries come over.
Always: They make my entire day better by changing my perspective.
Sometimes: I am really great at getting organized and my house put "back together."
Always: It usually takes a string of unannounced visitors to get me in the mood to accomplish just that.
Sometimes: Wasps and other weird wasp-look-alike creatures make their way into my car.
Always: I completely freak out and possibly endanger my life in the process to avoid a dreaded sting!! (Our poor baby was stung 3x Friday =(. He is such a tough little guy)
Comment below and make sure you are a follow back follower (link your blogger profile to your blog, so I can check out your post =)
Pictures taken March 2012.
