Today I am linking up with a few peeps to complete a list of things I am thankful for related to this week. I am thankful for:
{1.} My husband, leaving me to deep sea fish Monday, then cooking the goods last night. Man were they delicious.
{2.} The rain this week. I know it has been somewhat annoying, but it allowed us to stay in more and I enjoyed cuddling up with the boys during the afternoon showers.
{3.} The lovebugs' health. How fortunate we are to have healthy beautiful babes.
{4.} My father (earthly and Heavenly).
{5.} Our kitchen table. As I scrubbed it last week, on my hands and knees I thought, "Man this table is dirty." Then I wondered where each fleck of food came from. What laughter and tears and possible sleep was shared at this table. I will be sad to see it go someday soon, but happy we will have one big enough for guests.
{6.} Abby. She is always signed up, as the youngest of 7 and fresh out of high school, to help with any of her nieces or nephews. She never complains. She is always cheery, for the most part. I love her to infinity and beyond!
PS The pics are from a creative night of dinner at our house. The boys loved it. And yes, that is a pig eating pork =).

Have a great Friday.
I love your "Creative night at dinner" - that little piggy is just too cute ;)
How long did hubby go deep sea fishing for - just the day? Either way...YAY getting to cook up the goods ;)
Thank you for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday <3