Thankful Thursday

This week, there are so many things to the thankful for. Sometimes, late at night, while waiting for a load of laundry to change over or grading assignments, I wander over to LDS.Org. Along the way, I find that my heart is softened, my perspective changed. So many things of the world can distract me from what matters most, (even a blog that is centered around it!) So today my list is short, but vague.

1. My testimony of Jesus Christ.
2. My family, all members.
3. All the things that fill my life up with wonder and beauty.

What are you thankful for? Happy Thursday.

The Fontenot Four

Thankful Thursdays Button
Its Ok Thursdays


Amber, I think you are wonderful. What a lovely post :) I love your thankful heart and your love for Jesus. You are AMAZING.
Thanks for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday & sharing your heart with us :)
icecreamtobellyrings said…
Wow what a video. It brought tears to my eyes but it is definitely a great reminder in humility. Thanks for the post!
Lambz Ann said…
Thank you for your refreshing honesty! And thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!
Lambz Ann said…
I think you are wonderful! Thank you for hosting another linkup! I love this time of the week when I could be bitter or super negative about my week so far!