Tuesday 10: 10 Reasons Why I love...

A Day In March 2012 
I am linking up with Mom2MemphisAndRuby today to share 10 Reasons Why I love... Myself. Here goes:

1. I love my family.
2. I'm empathetic.
3. I work on one thing each week to become better.
4. I am not perfect nor do I attempt to appear that way.
5. I am not easily embarrassed.
6. I am confident.
7. I tell stories, mostly intriguing ones.
8. I can rock any hairstyle or color (stole this from Lena! =)
9. I look good pregnant (this is not an announcement. Don't get too excited)
10. I love being a member of the LDS church and do not judge others as if they were not equal in some diverse way.

A Day In March 2012 
Come join the fun, even if it not Tuesday any longer, the link up is still open! A Day In March 2012 
Comment below so I can read yours!



Tracy Jensen said…
New follower...thanks for coming over to my blog!!! :) You are adorable..can't wait to get to know you better! And it just happens to be Tuesday..gonna go link up! :)
Allison said…
your boys are adorable-they look like best buddies! looking forward to hearing your stories on this blog! thanks for stopping by-)
Natassia Butler said…
What a great idea for a post and what an awesome post! Its such a great thing to sit down and think of good things you like about yourself! Too often we/I focus on the bad. I like the idea behind #3, i need to try that! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!
Sara Rainey said…
Love your post!!
Amanda Austin said…
Adorable pictures!! This post is so great because it's really important to recognize what you LOVE about yourself instead of worrying about what you don't like...I fall victim to that far too often. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Kate said…
Your blog is really cute! Saying hi from the GFC hop!
Lambz Ann said…
Nice. Thanks for the follow back!
Lambz Ann said…
They are best buddies. A nice plus to having them so close in age.
Lambz Ann said…
I know! I love the Tuesday 10. Last week I didn't get to talk about myself so, there is it! Thanks for stopping by.
Lambz Ann said…
Thanks Sara! I loved yours!
Lambz Ann said…
Amanda! I know what you mean =)
Life with Lauren said…
Such a great post! Wish I didn't get easily embarrassed but I do!
I love that you love being ''imperfect.'' ♥
Thanks for linking up!
Emily Duncan said…
Thank-you so much for the follow on GFC!
I read "about you" and I'm so happy we're blog friends now!
If you don't mind me asking, you said love to inspire college students and help them! What exactly do you mean?
If you have time, shoot me an email! eduncan93@gmail.com
Ariel Henley said…
This is such a great post idea. It's important to point out the positive things in our lives and about ourselves. Love it!
Lambz Ann said…
Haha my family knows the points that are embarrassing, but other than that I just play it cool and try to let it pass!
Lambz Ann said…
Thanks Emily! I will definitely email you!
Lambz Ann said…
You are right. I never talk it up on here about myself, but since it was the "topic" I thought, "Hey, why not?" Thanks for stopping by.
Jelli said…
What a cute boy you've got. Your blog is so sweet and pretty. Thanks so much for the visit. Have a cheery weekend, Amber.