Tuesday 10: Faves from the 90s

 So, today we are linking up with Mom2Memphis & Ruby for the Tuesday 10: 10 Favorite things from the 90s.

[1.] Seinfeld
The greatest show ever. Nothing distracts me more than this show. I love it. I always laugh. It doesn't matter how much of a pitty party I am having, or how many times I have seen the episode, I laugh. I did not discover this in the 90s, but it still counts right?

[2.] Karaoke Movies with my family
I loved my childhood. I loved going to a local place to create karaoke videos with my family and friends. My mom was so fun and cool and collected. Thanks momma!

[3.] Ever After
Best movie of all time, in my book. I love it. Not just the romance, or idea of being a princess even though you come from dirt, but the setting is gorgeous. There are facts throughout the movie. I just LOVE it. The End.

[4.] Backstreet Boys

The highlight of the 90s for me was the day I met my biggest crush, Nick Carter. I was in love, [well I thought I was in love until he dated Paris, then it was over.] Ha. No really, ask anyone who knows me, I thought I was in love. My mom is the best at sneaking behind the scenes (concerts, tapings, whatever). She always weaseled her way in and we always dragged our feet behind her. Once we got backstage, we didn't feel that way at all. I guess that is how we met. Although I did find my prince charming, Nick represented him for awhile, in my mind I guess.

[5.] N'SYNC
They came second to the best, but they were still good. That Justin. He was super snobby and let it all go to his head whenever I was around him (as an extra in tapings for shows a few times ;)  But he could sing and dance, at the same time. He knew how to work the camera and seemingly still does. Make fun of them all you want, but you know you like them!

[6.]Spice Girls
 The was my second concert. My parent's pockets were not over-flowing with money, but they always found a way to make things possible that seemed so important to us. That is what I tie to the memory to these ladies. 

[7.]Saved By The Bell
Zack Morris. That is all I have to say! Every pre-teen/teen from the 90s will agree.

[8.] "Lovefool" by the Cardigans
When I hear this song, I think of my time in the 90s. I love it. Always will.

What a fabulous movie. Duh? That is where, like, we get all of our like, Valley girl, like words from.
[10.]The "Rachel" haircut
I will admit to bringing her cut to my hairdresser. I loved it! I didn't even watch the show, but knew of it. That is how much it impacted the 90s!

That is the end of my Tuesday 10. I can't tell you how much fun I had watching all of these videos and cracking up. I want to call my sister and laugh more, but it's too late=(. Check out more favorites from others by clicking below. Leave a comment if you have a Tuesday 10 so I can check out your post!



Norm Beatty said…
Seinfeld. Greatest show ever. Nuff said.
lindsay said…
oh MAN, i can't believe i forgot seinfeld - favorite show of ALL time.  we still watch the reruns religiously :)
Lambz Ann said…
 Me too. I have all of the discs, but my son just broke one last week. I almost shed a tear!
Lambz Ann said…
 I am guessing this is Cassi again right? hahah I love it too!
flats to flip flops said…
Agreed!  On all of it!  Great list...miss me some 90's!
Brighton Harper said…
Backstreet Boys are on my list too (I never like "Nsync") and Brian is my favorite.  Great list!
Breanna Hohenstein said…
Loved BSB and NSYNC! I can remember most of these :) Oh the 90's! Happy Tuesday!
poptartyogini said…
Seinfeld, saved by the bell and clueless. The 90's were so great. Throw in a little full house and I'd be in heaven.
Brandy Bruce said…
Oh Lovefool by the Cardigans!! SO loved it.
Michelle Curry said…
<3 the Rachel
icecreamtobellyrings said…
Totally hovering on this page simply to listen to I Want It That Way hahaha! Nice List
Lambz Ann said…
 Thanks Ash! I loved your list too!
Lambz Ann said…
 Hahah I didn't like NSYNC for a while, but couldn't resist the quality of the harmonizing ! Thanks for stopping by!
Lambz Ann said…
 Happy Tuesday to you! Thanks for stopping by!
Lambz Ann said…
 I love this song too!
Lambz Ann said…
 I don't like the 1st Rachel haircut, but her latest are not so choppy!
Lambz Ann said…
 Hahah Thanks! Appreciate you stopping by!
These are so awesome! The 90s were so fun! Lol thanks for linking up!
Andrea Rees said…
Ever After and Clueless were both great movies :)
Michelle Curry said…
Seinfeld is a classic! I remember watching the series finale with my Dad like it was yesterday. 
Malo said…
I love the movie Ever After too!! One of my favorites. And Lovefool by the Cardigans makes me think of Romeo + Juliet... with Leo! Thanks for following me. I follow you now too!!! Have a nice wednesday. 
Jill said…
haha!  I was thinking yesterday about how ALL my friends were Nick Carter fans...but I was always a Brian girl!!
Lovefool - definitely a song that screams THE '90's!  And always makes me think of that scene in Cruel Intentions when Sebastian plays it on the sound system in the pool area! lol!
Great list - I'm your newest follower :)
Nathan said…
Ha yeah, even I liked Backstreet Boys and Nsync! Seinfeld is just a classic!
Amanda Imbery said…
I was a Brian fan ;o)
Lambz Ann said…
 Me too, but Nick was 1st! Thanks for stopping by.
Lambz Ann said…
 I was too young to watch the original Seinfeld, but love it now!
Lambz Ann said…
Brian has a new album! You should check it out! Thanks for the follow!
Lambz Ann said…
 Ever After! Sigh! I love it whenever I am down!
Lambz Ann said…
 Aww, what a great memory! I wish Elaine and Jerry would have just hooked up!
Lambz Ann said…
 I agree! Thanks for stopping by again!
mindy4253 said…
Love this list! I loved all of the same music as you! Thanks for sharing!
Lambz Ann said…
Thanks!! I appreciate your sweet comment!
Charisma Moran said…
The 90s were so fantastic! Especially NSync and Saved by the Bell!