There's Always A Reason For Flashbacks


From my journal...A day in May 2012

I watched Calvin, uncertainty with each step across the foyer as I stood propped up against his doorway, the sounds of Bear & the Big Blue House echoing in the background. I crossed my arms searching for a reason. A reason to explain why a short clip of my childhood had been triggered in that very spot. I remembered walking those same steps and looking back at my mother to see if I still had the freedom of getting my favorite bed time animal. He was black, with a pink nose and white tummy, filled with small plastic beads (which I discovered from playing too rough with my kitty). His tail had literal stitches hand sewn by fingers of a tired, overworked mother, my mother. I would lackadaisically carry him from any of his limbs. His fur was worn, not new and fluffy. His ears curled over a bit from the washer. The comfort and joy my kitty brought was unimaginable. And then, the two second memory fleeted, Calvin grabbed his tiger (Hobbs) and ran to my warm embrace Time for bed.


Michelle said…
Owww what a sweet memory x
Evelien Standaert said…
You write beautifully :)
Such a cute memory!
Cassi Beatty said…
Why is it that kids look so sweet when they are sleeping?
Mosby Hardin said…
Hey friend! I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

Go check it out!
Lambz Ann said…
I know what you mean. I can't help it. I have to sneak in each night after they are asleep to check on them and fuel that fire of love I have for them.... it is sparked when I see them sleeping.
Lambz Ann said…
Thanks Michelle. It was. I am trying to get my old cat from my parents.
Jessica said…
Such a precious boy you have. I love seeing my son cuddled up with his favorite lamb. Isn't it lovely how children remind you of all the great times in your own childhood.
Elissa said…
I had a stuffed teady bear that my grandmother gave me for my preschool graduation, and I slept with it till I was 15 or 16. great memory!
Sherry Reese said…
I love sleeping "baby" pictures. I don't think it'll matter how old my kids are; I'll always love watching how peaceful and sweet they look in slumber. Glad you shared this special memory with us!
Lambz Ann said…
Awww that is sweet! I love it! Thanks for stopping by.
Lambz Ann said…
Thanks Sherry! YOu are so good about commenting! Thank you so much!