So I have been taking a break from Tuesday 10, just like the link host! I am back though and can't wait to link up! The topic is author's choice this week. I decided to go with: Top 10 Reasons I Love Having Two Boys. Here goes:
I love that they are future scientists, so interested in squeezing frogs and catching lizards.
I love moments when they fall down and get right back up without making a peep.
I love how easily they forgive, like most men.
I love the clothes and toy sharing.
I love their adventurous spirits.
I love their [close] age difference.
I love that they are so much like their amazing father.
I love that we have so many righteous men in our family for them to look up to.
I love that they love us (their parents).
I love that they have each other, through this life and the eternities to come.

I love it!
Thanks for linking up!