Baby Gord

{Photo credit: AmyImages Photography}
Last night, everyone was aware of how much Gordon needed to sleep. Once his eyes closed, as I rocked him to and fro, I leaned in to kiss his soft cheek. He fought for sleep most of the day because his schedule was off. He sacrifices so much as the littlest of three. As I kissed his cheek I realized that his baby smell was drifting away. I didn't want to lay him down. I just wanted him there in my arms forever. He fit perfectly after all.

"We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most. Strength comes not from frantic activity, but from being settled on a foundation of truth and light. It comes from focusing on the divine things that matter most. Diligently doing the things that matter most, will lead us to the Savior of the world," Elder Dieter Uchtdorf.

Here is a little update on this sweet babe:

  • Almost 11 months
  • Six teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom)
  • Blue eyes still
  • Strawberry blonde hair color
  • Loves almost any food offered (sweet potatoes=favorite, lettuce=not so much)
  • Loves Lucy (the dog)
  • Loves the WATER (pool, splash pad, ocean, lake, bathtub, shower, toilet) 
  • Loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider, Pat-a-Cake, Popcorn Popping)
  • Loves reading with family
  • Loves watching fish swim
  • Loves to get our tupperware, pots, and dishes from the dishwasher
  • Loves to try new things (like food bits, paper off the floor)
  • Enjoys playing the piano and making music with family
  • Cruises around furniture
  • Walks while holding on with one hand
  • Sleeps easily
  • Wakes to feed once in the night
  • Wakes in the best mood
  • Transfers from the car to the bed or the bed to the car
  • Smiles constantly
  • Laughs often (especially when being naughty)
  • Has a simple easy-going attitude like his daddy
  • Says words/phrases like "mama, dada," and what seems to sound like, "wuv you" 
  • Waves with one hand
  • Beginning to play alone for short periods of time
  • Opens and closes inside doors
  • Stands by the window and observes nature
  • Rocks back and forth with upper body, to dance
  • Does not like to go into his car seat all of the time
  • Fusses when brothers try to overpower him
  • Is beginning to throw fits
  • Is not entertained by TV
