I seriously look forward to Friday letters because I just LOVE Fridays and I love reviewing my week/looking forward to the weekend. Thank you for throwing such an AWEsome party.
Dear Summer,
You have been good to me, but I have neglected to make many appearances in my cute new swimsuit! I need to get on it!
Dear Best Buy,
I hate you.
Dear No Bake Cookies,
You are delicious and I can't resist you. The reasons for making you versus not making you led me to making you last night and we are not regretting it!
Dear Oliver,
I love that you fell asleep on the way home last night and stayed asleep slouched on the couch until I could get you into your pajamies. Your speech is taking off like a jet plane and I can't help but think that you are growing too fast. I cried last week while looking through your baby pictures, knowing that those days have past.
Dear Country Song, "You're Gonna Miss This,"
Why are you so right? Gosh! I am already missing it and crazy at the same time.
Dear Calvin,
Your fiery red hair leads almost every passerby to comment about your good looks. That smile and those dimples make heads turn. I love you.
Dear love,
I know you think I am addicted to blogging, but I think you are too! I catch you reading my blog and commenting on my comments. Just do a guest post already! The ladies would LOVE it!
Dear Readers,
I feel like I am Carrie Underwood thanking my fans after a concert or in an interview, but from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. When I am down, you pick me up. When I need dinner ideas or inspiration to be nicer to someone, you are there. I love it! I LOVE BLOGGING! There, that feels better. Now, I will get on getting a giveaway going for 100 followers! Here's to 1000 more... I mean 100. My new goal is 100 more. hahah Thanks.
PS These pictures are from a Rodeo in March. Catching up...I know...I know...Read about it HERE.

Kristine from TheFoleyFam