An Old Draft: Mother's Day 2012

I wanted to share this because I love motherhood. Being a mother squeezes every weakness out of you into the forefront. It challenges you every minute, but can be the most rewarding role in life. Being a mother softens your heart, humbles your ego. It gives you a reason to wake every day and fall asleep fast every night. It's all I ever wanted to be.

Mother's Day 2012

Mothers are all around. I run into mothers throughout my day. I look forward to this time of year dedicated to mothers and the ever so important work that mothers accomplish minute by minute. I wrote about my mother here and here last year.

What I would give to be as patient and kind my mother was with us. I know it wasn't easy and support that knowledge now with two young children close in age. I can't imagine having 7 kids in about 10 years. I am grateful to come from such a large family and the sacrifices, little and big, that my mother made for me.

Check out Nie. She ran a mother's day contest that I failed to read about until after the due date. The stories that were submitted and won were so inspirational. Check them out here.
